Know The Basic Rules For Surfing

Surfing is an extreme sport that consists of going down or running a wave along its wall. This is a unique sport that allows you to fully enjoy the tranquility of the ocean, the beautiful variety of marine fauna that inhabits the coasts and the adrenaline that is experienced when riding waves.

Although there are no written rules to practice this intense sport, there are codes among surfers and basic rules that must be respected when entering the water.

Priority: You always have to make sure you don’t catch someone else’s wave. Remember that the surfer who is closest to the peak of the wave (breaker) has priority. If you see someone already on the wave, then the wave is considered already taken, and you will have to wait for the next one.

Practice: If you want to improve, you need to practice as regularly as possible. Consistency in practice is what makes a good surfer.

Respect: Respect the locals (locals) if you are visiting a beach. Remember that the locals have preference and the waves must be shared.

Share the waves that break to both sides:  If a wave breaks to both sides, it can be shared. One surfer can go to the left and the other to the right. You can tell the other surfer which side of the wave you are going to, so they can take better advantage of the wave.

The surfer who is further in has the preference:  The surfer who is paddling the wave from the inside has the preference.

Company: Never go into the water if no one is in it or near the shore. It is always better to be accompanied by any unforeseen event that may happen. Remember that even the best swimmer can have mishaps in the water.

Safety first:  If a wave threatens to roll over you, there are several solutions to avoid it.

  •  Duck: Duck is a technique that involves diving below the wave, sinking the front of the board.
  • Tortoise: The tortoise is generally made with planks, but you can also try it with a plank. In this technique, the surfer must hold onto the board with his limbs and turn around, remaining submerged in the water.
  • Drop the board: If you are a beginner and still don’t know how to perform any of these techniques, you can choose to drop the board. When you see that a wave is about to break on top of you, drop the board to one side and dive under the wave. But beware! Never let go of the board if you have someone near you, as you can brutally hit them with it.

Entering from outside the surf area:  When you are entering the water, do not row inside the surf area, as you could collide with a surfer who comes running a wave. Do not row towards the wall of the wave, because it is where the surfer is going, paddle towards the foam behind it.

Warm up: It is always necessary to warm up and stretch before going surfing. This will reduce the risk of muscle injuries or cramps while playing this sport.

Use sunscreen: You should always use sunscreen to jump into the water to surf. Even if you are in winter, with rain and cloudy skies, the sun still burns the same and the salty water helps the sun penetrate the skin faster.

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